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Seo for short duration
How can i use SEO to grow an online shopping website in a short duration? What are the solutions and techniques?
For short duration shopping websites and eCart sites will perform well in advertising. Rather than on SEO. Because SEO is for the long haul.
It's really hard to get good results for ecom or online stores in a short duration!
I think you should hire the SEO Expert to do the job for you!
(09-22-2020, 05:33 AM) Wrote: It's really hard to get good results for ecom or online stores in a short duration!

(10-15-2020, 04:50 AM) Wrote: I think you should hire the SEO Expert to do the job for you!

What OP intended to actually achieve with this thread? I just cannot fathom. Doesn't matter though!! He bolted.
Well if you want to grow your online shopping store in short duration then i would recommend you to go with advertising!!
Paid advertising is best for short duration, because SEO take too much time in showing results on search engine result page.
SEO is a long term process. In this, your website takes time to grow. If you run PPC(Pay Per Click) aid then your website starts growing in a short time and traffic starts getting. So to get results shortly, run PPC aid and increase your website awareness.
SEO is not a short-term process, you do it every day to build up your authority it is the very best way to gain organic traffic. But if you are looking for a quick instant result then you can go for paid advertiesment.

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