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Does theme loading speed effect SEO?!
If a site's theme is heavy and takes a lot of time to load. Does it mean that it effect the site's SEO negatively?

Many webmasters say that it has effect. But yet I see a lot of site who takes a lot of time to load still manages to rank very high.
Effect yes but only a little.

Actually a site remains unaffected SEO wise unless it says a loading time out.

User experience is a factor though but it is a small one.Tongue
If the user is impatient then yes, they would probably go to a much better site with the same content.
Yes, loading speed is important for SEO, but a perfect PageSpeed Insights score is not. As long as your website loads in around 3 seconds, you should be fine with most users.
Yes it affect, heavy the theme is more it will take time to open it.
(10-01-2020, 11:19 AM)RosieYingling Wrote: Yes, loading speed is important for SEO, but a perfect PageSpeed Insights score is not. As long as your website loads in around 3 seconds, you should be fine with most users.
There is no such thing as 3 second rule.

(10-06-2020, 01:11 PM)petercohen090 Wrote: Yes it affect, heavy the theme is more it will take time to open it.
Heavy theme or light theme doesn't matter. Many sites takes a load of time for an actual user to do something in it. But that doesn't mean they don't rank well. Take Instagram for instance.
The speed may affect the user experience but it doesn't mean that website can not get ranked well in SERP!!
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Yes, it affects your SEO strategy.
It may increase your website bounce rate, that is not good. For proper visitor navigation, you should have optimised your website loading speed.
There are several factors you should consider while optimising the speed, like CSS, heavy images, etc.
The theme you pick sway your website performance and your load time. All things considered, some subject are truly substantial and will bring down your page speed on the off chance that they contain an excess of impacts and plans.
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Yes, some times it may affect on your page loading speed.
Most of time, web hosting provider is also responsible for this issue. So, while choosing the web hosting provider, you should be very careful.
At the time of theme selection, you should do some research about this specific theme. Plugins are also responsible for loading issue.
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