10-24-2019, 04:51 AM
Long content doesn't have nay effect on a site's SEO then why marketers and other site owners keep insisting on longer content?? I am sure its create much pressure on the content writers who actually writes them.
Long content doesn't have any effect on SEO then why bother for it??
10-24-2019, 04:51 AM
Long content doesn't have nay effect on a site's SEO then why marketers and other site owners keep insisting on longer content?? I am sure its create much pressure on the content writers who actually writes them.
10-24-2019, 04:53 AM
Doesn't effect that's true. But surely longer content attracts attention of the audience. And its one hell of reason for it.
10-25-2019, 04:36 AM
See through your audience's eyes. Which type of content will you like?? Ofcourse it will be the long content in the most of the cases.
And so as their is demand, content writers are pushed to write longer content.
10-26-2019, 05:01 AM
I see sites like Quicksprout which are nothing but a waste of time. Still they get a ton of traffic.
10-31-2019, 05:30 AM
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