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[Reviewed] Languavel - Language/Travel Discussion Forum
The May newsletter has been posted: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->.
Languavel now has over 18,000 posts! Thank you to everyone who have helped us achieve this great milestone. Big Grin
Languages...Travel...Discussions... Smile
Let us know what your favorite thing about Languavel is.
Hello everyone! Here at Languavel we are trying to push our Facebook presence. Please help us out by Liking our page. Thanks!

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Languages...Travel...Discussions... Smile
We almost have 19K posts- we're trying to reach this goal by September 1! Please help us out if you can.

Interesting threads:

Worst language teacher in school?: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

How often do you practice writing?: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 8#pid19338</a><!-- m -->
Check out the latest competition here at Languavel: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

All you have to do is reply to that thread and answer the question and you have a chance at winning. The contest will end August 21st. Don't wait until it's too late. Wink
Languages...Travel...Discussions... Smile
[Image: VH4U8BI.png]
If you haven't joined our contest yet, you should... it only takes one posts for a chance to win! Smile Check out the contest details here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Languages...Travel...Discussions... Smile
We're currently looking into re-ordering some of the forum and adding in some new areas/features.... have suggestions or feedback? Let us know here. 
Hey everyone! Languavel is back! Some of you may have noticed that we had a bit of downtime these last several weeks but we are back online.

We are going with a "Back to basics" approach this time around and are focusing on the important part of our community: interaction with members, content, and getting the word out there about Languavel. Although we adored the custom look that we had, it was too easy to get caught up in all the technical details of the forum that it took a toll on the actual chemistry of the forum members and unfortunately, due to this we have lost regular members to other ventures. We want to invite you all back and just wanted to ensure everyone that Languavel is here to stay.

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