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Newsletter vs Typical Email marketing
A typical newsletter method is that you brief your audience with your site's updates, once or twice a week. And you get their responses and also targeted traffic as they click back. This is a good method to generate traffic and leads as well.

And then comes the email marketing method in which rather giving updates about your blog you promote some or many products.

Some marketers prefers both and some choose from on of them. Which one do your prefer?
We prefer both. Newsletters works great for engagement which smooths the path for conversion through email marketing.
abhirupb Wrote:A typical newsletter method is that you brief your audience with your site's updates, once or twice a week. And you get their responses and also targeted traffic as they click back. This is a good method to generate traffic and leads as well.

And then comes the email marketing method in which rather giving updates about your blog you promote some or many products.

Some marketers prefers both and some choose from on of them. Which one do your prefer?

There is no competition between them. If you really want to make money then you will need both of them.
You know to the OP I am saying.

Sending newsletters is a part of email marketing strategy. They are not different. Wink
zeus Wrote:You know to the OP I am saying.

Sending newsletters is a part of email marketing strategy. They are not different. Wink

Absolutely correct. Why just use one method where we can use and utilize both of them.

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