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With all the updates and other things. It is more or less clear that G is encouraging people to not use AI generated content for their sites. So, if I choose to use them then will I be banned?
I am seeing many are facing the issue in the name of manual action penalty.
Joined: Jul 2014
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It's not the content itself but the way of representation that matters. If AI can write a readable reasonable wording content which people use day to day basis then it shall not have any problem with any search engine.
But do they produce such content? An AI written content can be very easily identified by anybody who reads it.
So, produce content from AI if you must. But do a thorough edit first before publishing. And also make sure that the content is actually delivery the intended information it was actually meant for.
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Short answer is no. But the long answer is it depends on the quality of the content. And the way the current AI's produce content they can surely have your rankings downgrade to a level from where no one can find your page.
ksmith29 Said it correctly. If you do choose to use them so to avoid any kind of friction you will have to edit it all by yourself or have any professional do it for you. You cannot let the AI do it for you.