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Apparently our local US traffic is down.
Didn't expected it.
I heard that this update is effecting site's on page level. If that's the case then why some review sites are down as a whole?? Not all of them are bad.
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elliekushn I believe if a site's majority of the pages get down. Then G considers it as a big review banner as a whole.
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US traffic is down this week.
40% Asian traffic is also down.
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In our case as well almost 50% targeted keywords are down.
25% overall.
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lootmeup @
hema29 Check the ecpm rates of adsene. Up's and down's of traffic shows nothing. And also after 2020 the amount of traffic has also changed drastically.
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master11 Not just it mate. Something inside G is broken this time.
No one is able to pin point the problem.
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mailbox Yesterday at late hours. Huge blasts of spam traffic came out of nowhere.
I thought they were not good.
Now today I am seeing they were all valid traffic. I mean how did even G manage to do it anyway?
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(10-15-2022, 03:09 PM)nupur_a Wrote: @mailbox Yesterday at late hours. Huge blasts of spam traffic came out of nowhere.
I thought they were not good.
Now today I am seeing they were all valid traffic. I mean how did even G manage to do it anyway?
It's totally not new. Traffic pattern has changed these days.
We also saw it a few hours earlier. 25% traffic increase.
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Around Oct 13 Massive changes have occurred. But nothing is confirmed.
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(10-16-2022, 02:58 PM)harvee21 Wrote: Around Oct 13 Massive changes have occurred. But nothing is confirmed.
Nothing is ever confirmed.
Many lost around 40% traffic during July. But G agreed nothing.