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A mess in the name of SERP's. Well done Google !!
30% drop in traffic this week. In most of the niches.
Traffic quality is also low including adwords.
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Game review sites didn't receive any traffic specially from the US since the last two days.
Site's based in UK took the hit pretty bad. And the most fun and also sad (at the same time) part is that many people didn't even knew that there is actually something going on.
Google updates are only visible to some selected groups.
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white knight Exactly !!! And well said. In my case I am seeing this different behaviour in many cases country, sensor, niche and so much more.
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Today got a page level warning from adsense. If google is so smart then why don't they just detect which is user-generated and which is not.
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vkumar The thing about Google is that they don't really bother if it's not a popular or a big site.
If you are running a blog then you will get these things assuming your comment section is open for anyone to comment.
I run two forums. And also manage a quite few. H*ll we even get these.
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A new client of ours has started a new site. And it's his first time working with us.
Once we started working on it. A few on-page optimisation got results. I mean for a few kw's it has been picked up by Bing and also got some good outreach through it's articles.
But for the same keyword's in Google it is nowhere near of success. Google doesn't even show the site when searched by name.
The client asked us "I thought it was easy on Google!!". One of our staff answered "Yeah apparently we used to think that too".
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mediadrug I have lost hope. Our site which is an ecommerce site. Is being crushed by the giants. And Google is helping them do it.
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I don't expect much from this weekend anyway. Traffic will be low for sure.
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Somebody needs to hammer down Google. It's getting too lousy.
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Today again a start of so-so week. With low in traffic in general.