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Share Thread: Review (4 years)
A very underrated service provider of the hosting industry. Maybe it's just because of their name, I don't know. The scalability they provide for their clients is one of the best. Their plans are also very flexible to suit most of the admins in the world.

We have been using their VPS for quite some time now, almost 4 years. Haven't faced any issue that can get us a headache. Their support is always very quick to response. Never had any downtime due to them. Their speed and efficiency speaks for themselves when it comes to support.

However, their managed services isn't much above average. They monitor and track alright. But you need to push them to get the job done. Anyway, it isn't a problem for us because we prefer unmanaged services who we run ourselves.

And also they can be a little costly. Because they charge for anything that falls outside their main plan.

But I would definitely give them a 8 out of 10.

Messages In This Thread Review (4 years) - by harpoon - 07-27-2024, 05:00 AM

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