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Email Marketing vs Social Media
I would incorporate both methods into your overall marketing strategy. They go hand in hand in my opinion.
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Social media marketing is a quick process. You promote your brand to your customers and maybe gather leads from those leads, that's the whole idea of social media marketing. Email marketing is a bit different. You just can not simply mail random people. Random mailing might hurt your brand reputation. That's why mail is a formal approach. Email marketing is more effective for business to business approach. For a business to consumer social media is a quite good choice.
I have read a blog on ADN Emails blog about this topic. They have a strong point on this topic.
(02-13-2019, 09:29 AM)tousifislam209t Wrote: Social media marketing is a quick process. You promote your brand to your customers and maybe gather leads from those leads, that's the whole idea of social media marketing. Email marketing is a bit different. You just can not simply mail random people. Random mailing might hurt your brand reputation. That's why mail is a formal approach. Email marketing is more effective for business to business approach. For a business to consumer social media is a quite good choice.  
I have read a blog on ADN Emails blog about this topic. They have a strong point on this topic.

That is correct . Email Marketing is direct but the others are not.
Both are important for improving business, Social media helps to drive more traffic to the website and email marketing is for gaining leads or conversions...
I believe both marketing channels have there own importance and we must use them accordingly. When it comes to direct communication and personalization Email marketing has an upper hand in conversion rate whereas when it comes to market your brand or content then there is no channel which can compete to the reach of social media.
Through Social Media, you can get website traffic and convertion. You can use Social Media easily. You can increase your brand awareness per day.

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