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Recycling Content, good or bad?
Strictly speaking, recycling content is bad, That changes if you invest time and effort in  improving, expanding and repurposing it.
You can transform your content into other formats:

1. Slide presentations. Uploading your presentation on Slideshare and including links on your slides is a good option.

2. Video. People like video tutorials more than reading. Try to turn your content into useful video guides.

3. Ebook. It is hard to believe, but people read Ebooks. If your content has enough material, 
you can change it to an Ebook and give it away free of charge. Maybe you can upload it to Scribd or

4.  Infographic –it is easy to distribute because it  can be shared all over the web. 
You can submit your infographic to infographic directories such as Tumblr, Pinterest, Flickr, Weheartit and Shareapic.

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Messages In This Thread
Recycling Content, good or bad? - by lolab - 03-23-2019, 03:56 AM
RE: Recycling Content, good or bad? - by brian - 03-23-2019, 04:00 AM
RE: Recycling Content, good or bad? - by frank - 03-23-2019, 02:00 PM
RE: Recycling Content, good or bad? - by ProspectedSEO - 04-02-2019, 02:19 PM
RE: Recycling Content, good or bad? - by brian - 04-03-2019, 04:44 AM

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