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Are the h1 tags really important to SEO? - Printable Version

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Are the h1 tags really important to SEO? - joycer - 08-21-2018

Are the h1 tags really important to SEO?

Re: Are the h1 tags really important to SEO? - white knight - 08-21-2018

Yes, they are definitely important. Yeah, maybe not directly to SEO but they are important because they informs the user that what your page is exactly about.

If they are not correct or misleading then the user of yours will probably fly away or visit ones then never come back.

Re: Are the h1 tags really important to SEO? - Davidwatson - 08-21-2018

One of the most complicated tasks of search engines is to understand the meaning (context) of a page.

To be able to do that in the most efficient and fastest way, they use data from different signals.

One of those signals is the page title and another one is the H1 Tag.

When crawling the content of a page, search engine spiders read the HTML code and they try to identify which sentences are enclosed in heading tags (h1, h2, etc.).

Re: Are the h1 tags really important to SEO? - sinelogixtech - 08-21-2018

H1 tags are still very important for SEO because they tell both search engines and website visitors what the content of pages will be about.

Re: Are the h1 tags really important to SEO? - RH-Calvin - 08-23-2018

Yes H1 tags are defined to help search engine crawlers know about your webpage heading. This helps to optimize your content better in search results.

Re: Are the h1 tags really important to SEO? - marrysmith151 - 08-28-2018

The h1 tag should contain your targeted keywords, ones that closely relate to the page title and are relevant to your content and it is really important to rank high in search engine result.

Re: Are the h1 tags really important to SEO? - davidsmith21 - 09-07-2018

In my experience h1 is not as much important as Title and URL. But it might provide little bit boost to your site.

Your site can be easily over-optimize if you use h1 tag same as your title.

Re: Are the h1 tags really important to SEO? - damponting44 - 09-11-2018

H1 tag is very important for SEO because they tell both search engines and website visitors what the content of pages will be about.H1 is a specific piece of HTML code that is usually wrapped around text. It was originally meant to display that text as the largest text on the page.

Re: Are the h1 tags really important to SEO? - Saeculumsolutions - 09-13-2018

yes H1 tag is really important to SEO , H1 tag is s specific piece of HTML code that is usually wrapped around text. it was display the text as the largest text on the page. You can get the more details here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Re: Are the h1 tags really important to SEO? - Mangat Singh Dhiman - 09-13-2018

While H1 tags may not directly impact SEO, it’s still valuable to spend time optimizing your H1 tags because of the indirect benefits they provide. For example, including H1 tags on your website can improve user experience, which can help to improve your rankings in search results.

The combination of relevant keywords at the top of the page and the presence of desired information in this location makes the H1 tag so important.